Serving the Tri-State Area
Same-Day Security Services
Over 50 Years of Experience
Free Consultations
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Wondering if you need to reach out for corporate security guard services in White Plains, NY or anywhere throughout the tri-state area? Security might seem as simple as placing guards at your company's entrance and loading anti-virus software onto your computers, but the truth is that corporate security has evolved rapidly. That said, we can help.
At Snoop Investigations & Security, our officers are trained to be educated and prepared on day one. All guards receive a high level of training in verbal de-escalation, active shooter scenarios, and more. We are also CPR certified.
Snoop Investigations & Security offers comprehensive services, including:
If you have any questions about our services, don't hesitate to reach out for more information. You can contact us today or request a consultation to discuss our personalized security solutions for corporate offices. Our consultations are always free, and we're happy to custom-tailor personalized service options to optimally meet your needs as a corporation. We're also open 24 hours with same-day security services available as needed.
At Snoop Investigations & Security, we offer much more than expert security guards trained in corporate security. We can provide a wide variety of services including private investigations, special event security, and much more. From retail building to office spaces, you can count on us to keep your property and its inhabitants safe. Get in touch with our team today to hire our team for security guard services in White Plains, NY.
Offering Highly Trained Security Staff
Call today to learn more about our corporate security services!
(833) 526-3426
Serving the Tri-State Area area, Snoop Investigations & Security specializes in security guard and private investigation services. Same-day security services available. Over 50 years of experience. Trained and experienced guards. Call for a free consultation today.
Tri-State Area
and surrounding areas
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